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What is a PMO?

PMO stands for Project Management Office. Bridge has chosen a PMO Center of Excellence model for our PMO. That means the focus is to provide guidance, best practices, research, support, and training to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of project management across the organization. We also manage a small number of projects directly.

What does a project manager do?

A project manager plans, organizes, and directs the completion of specific projects while ensuring these projects are on time, on budget, and within scope.

How do I start a new project?

To start a new project, first define its objectives and scope, create a detailed project plan, assemble a team, and set a budget and timeline. Communication and clear goals are key.

What are the key stages of a project?

The key stages typically include initiation, planning, execution, and closing. At Bridge we call them Discovery (Initiation), Planning, Work in Progress/WIP (Execution), and Closing. We’ve found using discovery and work in progress to be more intuitive for those who don’t live day to day in projects.

How important is communication in project management?

Extremely important. Effective communication ensures that everyone involved understands the project's goals, status, and any issues that arise. It's vital for project success.

What is a project milestone?

A milestone is a significant checkpoint or event in a project, marking the completion of a key phase or task.

How do I manage project risks?

Identify potential risks early, assess their impact and likelihood, create a response plan, and continuously monitor risks throughout the project.

What's the difference between a project and a program?

A project is a temporary endeavor with a specific goal, while a program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to gain benefits not available from managing them individually.

How do I keep my project on budget?

nitor expenses regularly, compare actual spend against the budget, and adjust plans as needed to avoid overspending.

What tools can help me manage projects?

There are many project management tools available, such as Microsoft Project, Asana, Trello, and JIRA, which help in planning, scheduling, resource allocation, communication, and tracking progress.

What is scope creep and how do I avoid it?

Scope creep is when a project grows beyond its original ambition, often due to changing requirements. Avoid it by clearly defining project scope, and managing changes through a formal process.

How do I manage a project team effectively?

Establish clear goals, communicate openly, delegate tasks based on team members' strengths, and provide support and feedback.

What is a stakeholder in project management?

A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest in or is affected by the project. This can include team members, management, clients, and suppliers.

How do I measure project success?

Success is typically measured by how well the project met its objectives, stayed within budget and was completed on time, as well as stakeholder satisfaction.

What should I do if my project is not going as planned?

Assess the situation to understand the issues, communicate with your team and stakeholders, adjust your plans accordingly, and document the changes and lessons learned.

What is a project charter and why is it important?

A project charter is a document that formally authorizes a project, outlining its objectives, scope, participants, and overall goals. It's important as it provides a clear direction and framework for the project and is a reference point for all team members.

How can I effectively manage project deadlines?

To manage deadlines effectively, break down the project into smaller tasks with individual deadlines, regularly monitor progress, and communicate with your team to address any delays promptly.

What are some common challenges in project management?

Common challenges include scope creep, missed deadlines, budget overruns, communication breakdowns, and stakeholder conflicts. Anticipating and preparing for these challenges can help mitigate them.

How do I handle changes to the project scope?

Handle scope changes by evaluating the impact on time, cost, and resources. Get approval from stakeholders for any changes, and update the project plan and communicate the changes to the team.

What is a Gantt chart and how is it used in projects?

A Gantt chart is a visual tool used in project management to outline the schedule of a project. It shows the start and finish dates of individual tasks, their dependencies, and overall project timeline.

How do I prioritize tasks in a project?

Prioritize tasks based on their impact on the project's overall objectives, deadlines, and available resources. Consider using prioritization methods like the MoSCoW technique or the Eisenhower Matrix.

What is risk mitigation and why is it important in project management?

Risk mitigation involves identifying potential risks in your project and developing strategies to reduce or manage these risks. It's important as it helps prevent project delays and budget overruns.

Can you explain the concept of 'Agile' in project management?

Agile is an approach to project management characterized by iterative and incremental development, where solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. It emphasizes adaptability and customer satisfaction.

What are the key qualities of a successful project manager?

Key qualities include strong leadership, effective communication skills, problem-solving abilities, good organizational skills, and the ability to adapt to change and manage risks.


While a standard PMO often focuses on managing specific projects within an organization, a PMO CoE is more strategic in nature. It works on developing and standardizing project management methodologies, tools, and metrics to be used organization-wide, in addition to managing some individual projects.

What are the key roles in a project team and why is it important?

Key roles in a project team typically include the Project Manager, who oversees and coordinates the project; the Team Members, who execute tasks; the Business Analyst, who identifies business needs and solutions; the Quality Assurance Specialist, who ensures the quality of deliverables; and the Stakeholder, who has an interest in the project outcome. Each role contributes uniquely to the project's success.

What is the role of a Business Analyst and why is it important?

A Business Analyst plays a crucial role in understanding and articulating the business needs and requirements of a project. They bridge the gap between business stakeholders and the project team, ensuring that the solutions developed meet business objectives. Their analysis and insights are vital for guiding the project in the right direction and for successful project outcomes.

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